Young Activist Application
We help young activists find strategic partnerships with unlikely groups...Faith communities. 

The reality is there are underutilized community resources housed in religious organizations that can fuel change and we want to help young activists access these resources. 

The faith communities we work with are not here to recruit you, but to walk alongside and help further the goals of young activists. Just communicating with younger members of their communities and learning the perspectives and issues that are most important to young adults will help them in many other ways.

We offer grants up to $10k for young activists to work in collaboration with faith communities.  You choose the project, you lead the team, and we'll provide the training, the team, and the funding. 

Does this sound like something you would be interested in? 

Fill out the application below to get the ball rolling. 

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Email *
Your name *
Phone number  *
Mailing address *
Tell us about yourself by responding to these 4 questions (no more than 70 words total): How have you been working, or hoping to work, to resolve injustice and/or brokenness in your community? What has been easiest for you in this work? Where have you struggled/What feels easy for you about this type of work? What are you happiest doing, when given the gift of free time? *
Are you currently, or have you in the past, volunteered for or donated to non-profit(s)? If so, which ones?
What issue or cause do you want to work on during this program?
Please answer these questions to help us establish a baseline for our research: *
Disagree strongly
Disagree somewhat
Agree somewhat
Agree strongly
Churches are stuck in the past and/or slow to change.
Churches ignore the problems of the real world.
Churches are open to innovation and social change for the common good.
Churches are interested in fighting injustice and oppression.
Churches have either actively or passively done harm to me and/or people I care about.
Why do you want to participate in the Change the Story program and what will success look like for you?
Do you already have an idea for a project that impacts social justice in some way? (It's okay if you don't yet) If so, what is it? *
If you answered yes to the previous question: What are two different resources you need to get your idea off the ground that you don’t currently have access to?
Describe 2 of your strengths and how you might draw upon them during this program.
Describe 2 "growing edges" or learning opportunities for you during this program.
How could partnering with a faith community help accelerate the work you are considering or already doing?
Are there any potential deal-breakers for you in collaborating with faith communities?
Please expand on any of your answers, or use this space to share any additional comments. *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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