West Utica Title I Parent Survey- Fall 2021
This survey is anonymous.  If you would like us to contact you about a question or idea you have, please leave your contact information when answering question 13.  Thank you!
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Thank you for visiting our Title I Parent Information Page! Please complete the following survey.  Your answers will help us make improvements in the Title I program to better serve our students.  Thank you!
Do you have a clear understanding of what Title I is and the services it provides in your child’s building? *
Not Clear
Very Clear
When is the best time for you to participate in scheduled school-parent involvement activities ? *
Please check all that apply
Would you prefer to attend a virtual parent involvement activity, or face to face parent involvement activity? *
Please check all that apply
11. We are always looking for ways to increase parent attendance at our parent activities.  If you can NOT attend parent activities, please check the reasons that prevent you from attending. *
I would like to attend school parent involvement activities on the following topics: *
13. If you have any questions about Title I at West Utica, or suggestions for us, please list them here.
Please feel free to ask questions here as well.
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