Request a Tutoring Session
Free tutoring is available to ASUMH students on most subjects offered at the college. To ensure that a tutor with experience in your desired subject area is available, please fill out this request form.

After you submit the form, you will receive an email with confirmation of your session. Please give some time for the email to arrive, as replies are not automated. The tutoring center administrator will need to schedule your session and be sure a tutor can meet at your desired time before confirming.

All in-person tutoring sessions take place at the ASUMH Library and therefore must be scheduled during library open hours, unless otherwise arranged.

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Name (First and Last) *
Email address *
What date and time would you like to schedule your session? You can enter a range of dates and times if your schedule is flexible. The Tutoring Center is open Mon through Thur 9am to 4pm. In-person tutoring should be requested between those times. Online tutoring can occur outside those times, if requested in advance and approved by tutor.
Would you prefer that your tutoring session be in-person or online (via Zoom)? *
What subject area do you need tutoring in? *
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