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In their 1981 book, The Illusion of Life, Disney animators Ollie Johnston and Frank Thomas introduced the twelve principles of animation. The pair were part of Disney’s “Nine Old Men,” the core group of animators who were instrumental in creating Disney’s animation style. The Nine Old men worked on animation for Disney starting in the 1950'S. The twelve principles have now become widely recognized as a theoretical ground rules for all artists working on animated videos.

In order, they consist of:

Squash and Stretch
Straight Ahead Action and Pose-to-Pose
Follow Through and Overlapping Action
Ease In, Ease Out
Secondary Action
Solid Drawing
Each principle is vital to the animation process!
Then Watch me!
1. Name and grade *
2. Who Created the 12 Principles? *
3. What animation studio did they work for? *
4. What should the 12 principles be used for? *
5. What is Stretch and squash? *
6. Give an example of a movement where you can use stretch and squash and how we would see it. (example: a bouncing ball shows stretch when it is bouncing and squash when it is landing!) Try your best! It is okay if you aren't 100% sure!   *
7. What is ANTICIPATION? In your own words *
8. Give an example of a movement where you can see ANTICIPATION and how we would see it. (example: A large rock teetering at the edge of a cliff!) Try your best! It is okay if you aren't 100% sure!   *
9. What is STAGING in your own words? *
10. What is STRAIGHT AHEAD ACTION and POSES TO POSE? Which do we do in our animation program? *
13. WHAT IS ease in ease out or as we call it SLOW IN SLOW OUT in your own words? *
What did you think was the most interesting principle? WHY? *
Where have you seen these in cartoons, movies, or video games that you have seen? Give an example! *
15. Do you have any questions for me? Is there anything that you did not really understand or need more explanation or time with? *
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