2023-2024 Youth Jazz Collaborative of NM Fall Registration
The Youth Jazz Collaborative of NM is a free program for 4th-12th grade students.  East Mountain Junior Jazzers will have the opportunity to pick an instrument, receive instruction, play in a group and perform for the community.  Jazz Cats are intermediate/advanced middle and high school students who already know how to play an instrument and want to learn the art of jazz improvisation.  East Mountain Junior Jazzer Practices will be held on Mondays and Wednesdays from 3:30-5:30 in the San Antonito STEM Magnet Elementary School's cafeteria.  East Mountain Jazz Cats will meet at the same time as the Junior Jazzers on Monday/Wednesday 3:30-5:30, but also with the ABQ Jazz Cats on Tuesdays from 4:00-6:00 and Saturdays from 1:00-3:00 at the African American Performing Arts Center.  Students need to bring a snack, water bottle, music stand and a pencil.  If students already have an instrument they would like to play, they are encouraged to bring it. If students do not know what they might like to play, they will be assisted in exploring and selecting an instrument.  
Are you interested in the East Mountain Junior Jazzers or the East Mountain Jazz Cats?
Student's Name: *
Student's Grade:
Parent/Guardian 1 Name: *
Phone number: *
Email: *
Parent/Guardian 2 Name:
Parent/Guardian 2 Phone Number:
Parent/Guardian 2 Email:
Student Allergies or Health Conditions, if any: *
Emergency Contact 1 - Please list name, phone number and relationship: *
Emergency Contact 2 - Please list name, phone number and relationship: *
Emergency Contact 3 - Please list name, phone number and relationship:
Photo Release:
Throughout the year, photos and videos of our student musicians will be taken.  These photos and videos will be used for various activities throughout the year.  The photos and videos may also be used on social media/websites in order to promote and/or highlight student accomplishments.  Please check one of the following options:
Comments - Is there anything I need to know about your child?
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