Guerrero 2025 Summer Eye / Dental Clinic
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First Name *
Please Enter name as it is found on your passport
Middle Name
Please Enter name as it is found on your passport
Last Name *
Please Enter name as it is found on your passport
Preferred First Name (If different than legal name)
Date of Birth *
Gender *
Cell Phone Number *
Email Address (Please use your regular email address rather than a school email address) *
Citizenship *
Passport Issuing Country *
Passport Number
Required if electing option for Clinic to book your airfare and you will fly through Dallas  on American Airlines
Passport Expiration - Leave blank if you do not currently have a passport.
Must have a passport that expires at least 6 months after return from the clinic. You can generally get a passport quickly but it can be expensive and not guaranteed that it will arrive in time. The clinic will not refund your money if we purchase a ticket for you and your passport does not arrive in time.
Do you have any physical limitations that will impact your ability to volunteer at the clinic? *
Please keep in mind the clinic is in rural Mexico at an elevation of 7,000 ft
Do you have any dietary restrictions? *
People with various restrictions successfully attend our clinic. However, we do not promise that we can accommodate all diets. Please let us know potential challenges so we can help you decide whether you can eat with us.
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