Neurodivergent Humanities Network: Application for Mentors
This mentorship scheme will build a foundation of information sharing between scholars at different career stages. The ethos of mentorship will be as anti-hierarchical as possible; this would mean that while the more senior academic can give insight into the workings of the academy, the mentoring programme should be a generative space for thinking through how we can make the humanities more enabling. We recognise that the precarious nature of academic employment might make early-career scholars anxious about exploring new methods if they felt that their work may not be valued as highly if presented in an alternative medium. As such, our mentorship programme will support this innovation and encourage collaboration between career stages to help to establish the junior scholar. We hope to offer a space for mentors and mentees to explore inclusive, accessible methods and modes of co-production that are personally meaningful to both; collaboration can take the form of traditional academic scholarship (e.g. journal articles, conference panels, edited collections, etc.) or less traditional ones (e.g. podcasts, videos, etc.).

* Confidentiality Statement: All responses will be read only by the co-leaders of the Neurodivergent Humanities Network, solely for the purposes of selecting and matching mentees and mentors. Responses will be handled with care and sensitivity, and will not circulate beyond this team.

Applications will close at 5pm GMT on 2nd June 2023. 

If you have any questions, do feel free to drop us an email at
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Name *
Pronouns *
Email *
Are you currently in academia?

Mentors are typically postdoctoral level or above but if you feel you are better positioned as mentor than mentee, please do indicate this in your application. 
Academic Career Stage
Research Field/Academic Expertise *
University/Institutional Affiliation (if applicable)
Do you have experience of working with/teaching/mentoring neurodivergent individuals? *
If you answered yes to the previous question, please elaborate.
Do you identify as having lived experience with neurodivergence? *
Do you see yourself as an ally of the Neurodiversity Movement?
In addition to being neurodivergent, do you identify as belonging to any other marginalised status or protected category? 
If you wish to provide more information, please use the last box to do so. Please note that this is not a requirement.
Please elaborate on why you are interested in this scheme and what you hope to get from being a mentor in this scheme. (200-300 words)

If you would prefer to submit an expression of interest through an alternative format or mode that better suits your needs (e.g. video/voice recording) (under 5 minutes), please email this to
Would you be willing to support your mentee with Higher Education applications (e.g. PhD/postdoctoral applications)? *
Would you be open to collaborating with your mentee based on your work in the mentorship scheme? (This could be in the form of more "traditional" academic co-authored publication, or other modes/formats that better suit both your preferences). *
Is there any other information we should be mindful of when assessing your application?
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