Request Form: Open a Campus in Your Area!
The goal of opening HSC Community Campuses is to connect homeschooling families in an engaging and interactive environment, while parents plan field trips, park days, hikes, etc…as students meet in the classrooms.

Classes will be held once a week with a hands-on learning style designed for students in grades K-12. Our class times operate from 9:00am-2:00pm.

We encourage families to also check our a-la-carte, Live-Online classes for added accountability, organization and structure in your homeschooling quest!

To request an HSC Community Campus in your area, please complete the form below and let us know if you're available to assist.

• To see a list of our current in-person campuses, click this link:

• To submit a request for an in-person campus in your area, please complete the form below.

Thank you and ANYTHING is possible with teamwork 😊

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Email *
First and Last Name:
U.S. City of Interest for an HSC Community Campus:
U.S. State of Interest for an HSC Community Campus:
Do you have a specific building in mind?
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Contact (name of person for us to contact, site address, email, phone, and any other pertinent info).
Would you be available to volunteer at this potential location? (this involves remaining at the property during class time, and can be shared/coordinated with other volunteers throughout the school year).
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Please let us know any way you'd like to assist our efforts (this includes instructor referrals, administrative assistance, etc..)
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