PrAACtical AAC Spanish Translation Initiative: Blog Posts to Prioritize
There are hundreds of blog posts on Help us decide which ones should be translated into Spanish in this first phase of the project.
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Yes, I have a recommendation. I think this PrAACtical AAC post should be translated into Spanish. (Include the URL, title, &/or publication date below) *
I have a second recommendation. I think this PrAACtical AAC post should be translated into Spanish. (Include the URL, title, &/or publication date below) *
I have a third recommendation. I think this PrAACtical AAC post should be translated into Spanish. (Include the URL, title, &/or publication date below) *
I have more recommendations. I think these PrAACtical AAC posts should be translated into Spanish. (Include the URLs, titles, &/or publication dates below) *
If you write or know of websites that already have AAC content in Spanish, please share that information with us.
Comments: Use the space below for any additional thoughts you wish to share.
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