Learning from Home - Parent Feedback Survey
At Horsley Park Public School, we have been working hard to get our distance education program up and running in a format that best meets the needs of our school community. Our teachers are in the beginning stages of programming for Term 2 and we are seeking your feedback on the distance education program so far.
Login ke Google untuk menyimpan progres. Pelajari lebih lanjut
email address *
Your name *
Your child(ren)'s name and class(es) *
Online learning platforms
What devices (s) were you using when Learning from Home
What device(s) were your child/ren using when Learning from Home? *
Wajib diisi
Does the device your child(ren) are using have a front facing webcam or camera? *
Please comment on the amount of remote work that has been provided for your child/ren  (Online Work)/Learning Packs *
Batalkan pilihan
Year 1
Batalkan pilihan
Year 2
Batalkan pilihan
Year 3
Batalkan pilihan
Year 4
Batalkan pilihan
Year 5
Batalkan pilihan
Year 6
Batalkan pilihan
K-6 Support Classes
Batalkan pilihan
Do you have any specific suggestions or comments regarding the amount of remote/online work? Please specify which stage/year group your feedback relate to. *
Do you have any specific suggestions, comments or  questions about the remote/online learning platforms that Horsley Park PS teachers are using- SeeSaw, Google Classroom, Mathletics, Reading Eggs, EPIC, Learning packs, other *
Please indicate how your child(ren) were able to complete the  work: unassisted, with some assistance or with assistance most of the time *
Thank You for participating in the Parent Feedback Survey. Your contributions are valued and appreciated.
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Formulir ini dibuat dalam NSW Dept of Education. Laporkan Penyalahgunaan