What Makes Learning Joyful?
This year I am continuing working on a personal deep learning project. I am using an inquiry based model to try and discover what makes people feel joyful when they are learning. The reason I want to investigate this is because I feel we are at a critical junction in education; our students and teachers need to be liberated to feel joy in the teaching and learning process. However, many teachers are highly stressed and many students are disengaged. I don't think it has to be this way. So, I am asking people (students, teachers, adults, anyone) to share their experiences of joyful learning, as well as their barriers to joyful learning. It's a journey, not a race. In true deep learning fashion, I have ideas with how I will share my findings, but I will not publish anything shared in this form without one's permission. While there is a name field, it isn't mandatory, so you may complete this form anonymously if you choose. Also: this is a personal learning pursuit, not a requirement for my work. Thank-you for considering sharing what makes learning joyful for YOU.


Richard Churchill
Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada
Safe & Inclusive Schools Itinerant Teacher
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What's your name?
What's your e-mail address? (Leave Blank if Completing Anonymously)
Select 1 of the following categories: *
If you are a STUDENT, which of the following grade category are you a part of?
If you are a TEACHER, which of the following grades do you teach?
How would you rate your opinion of learning? *
I do not enjoy learning
I love learning
I consider myself a learner. *
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
What makes learning joyful for YOU? *
What are YOUR barriers to joyful learning?
My favorite joyful learning moment was . . .
Tell me a little bit about you.
Do you have anything else you would like to add?
May I use any of the answers you shared in a possible future publication? (I.E. an article, a tweet, a book, a presentation)   *
In case I have some snail mail to send you, you may leave your mailing address here:
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