Books on Wheels Application
  • You must live in the Molalla Library District boundary. 
  • To be eligible for this service, you must be unable to come to the library due to a condition that is permanent or temporary.

Complete this application and a library staffer will contact you to discuss your preferences and begin service.
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Name (First and Last) *
Address (complete address- please include street address, city, and zip code) *
Phone Number *
Library Card number (if you have one)
What FORMAT of items are you interested in? Please check ALL that apply.
What type of FICTION categories are you interested in? Please check ALL that apply.
What type of NONFICTION categories are you interested in? Please check ALL that apply.
Are there any authors or series that you particularly enjoy? What would you like to share with us about what you like to read?
Is there anything you do not like to read about? Or are there any topics that you want us to stay away from when selecting books?
 I understand that I am responsible for materials delivered to me through the Books on Wheels program. *
Thank you for completing the application! A staff member will be contacting you shortly. If you have any questions, please email or call 503-829-2593. Thanks!
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