Application Form
This form is designed to capture basic information to help determine eligibility for courses. By completing this form, you consent to a member of our team contacting you using the details provided. We do not pass your details on to any third parties unless required to do so by law. For further information on how we process and store your data, please visit the below link:

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Course(s) Interested In
First Name *
Last Name *
Date of Birth *
Email *
Phone number *
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Post Code
Company (If Applicable)
Have you been resident in the UK or countries within the European economic area (including countries in the EU) for the last 3 years? *
Do you currently have an English GCSE at A*-C (4-9)/Functional Skills L2 English? *
Do you currently have a Mathematics GCSE at A*-C (4-9)/Functional Skills L2 Mathematics? *
Do you currently hold a full level 3 or higher qualifications? (NVQ level 3+ or 2 or more A-Levels) *
Is English your first language or would you be classed as fluent speaking? *
Are you currently employed/self employed? *
If unemployed, do you currently claim any benefits?
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If unemployed, do you feel you would benefit from support in finding a job? *
If employed, do you currently earn more than £31,600 a year? *
Are you currently taking part in any other government funded courses or attending college? *
Do you consider yourself to have little or no work experience within the Hospitality industry? *
How did you hear about us? *
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