European ICT Ecosystem 
By participating in SYNERGIES, you stand to benefit from improved data monitoring capabilities nd  enhanced coordination in the dynamic energy market, thus obtaining and leveraging access to a wealth of high-quality data to potentiallu deliver innovative digital solutions, intelligence services and end-user applications for the energy sector. 

Embrace this opportunity to be at the forefront of a progressive energy transition, where your contributions will shape a resilient and adaptive energy ecosystem: let us know through this survey your opinion on the potential strategies, foreseeable gains and obstacles in leveraging high quality data coming from the implementation of energy data spaces!
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How can the SYNERGIES project support and benefit the European ICT ecosystem?
Are you aware of any examples of the monetisation of prosumer energy data that you are able to share? Please elaborate.
What opportunities do you see in accessing high-quality data and delivering intelligence and novel services for the energy sector?
How can the SYNERGIES project foster collaboration and knowledge exchange within the European ICT ecosystem?
Are there any examples of data sharing for collective gain/ benefit from other industries or sectors that you feel could be instructive for the energy industry? Please elaborate.
What are the key challenges or requirements for processing energy data and delivering innovative services in the energy sector?
Please share any thoughts you have on how prosumer energy data could be monetised by the data originators/ owners. Are there illustrative examples from which the energy industry might learn? Please elaborate.
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