Submission Form
If you need any help contact me.


By submitting, you give safehaven. the right to upload your song, and you acknowledge that you own all required copyright to the song.

You will receive a response within 7 days (Only if I accept it)
Any Joke/Troll responses will be automatically declined.
Any Submissions outside of this form (Email or DMs) will be automatically declined.

All Submissions are viewed unbiased, everyone has a chance.
Email *
Your artist name *
Name of the song (including feature) *
Song link (SoundCloud Only) *
When was it released / will it release? *
Name of the Producer (if its self produced say so) *
Where you wanna be contacted (Email or your Instagram @) *
Additional Information (anything noteworthy regarding your song you would want me to know)
Lyrics (if they are on SoundCloud say so) *
Follow safehaven. on socials (If you have them) *
I understand
By submitting, you give safehaven. the right to upload your song, and you acknowledge that you own all required copyright to the song, and you are willing to whitelist safehaven. if your song is content ID'd.
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