Overcoming Polarization: 2024 Election Series
Welcoming all community members, lay leaders, faith leaders, clergy, and non-profit leaders! Faith and Prejudice is excited to be hosting a three part series with two powerful leaders to support us in preparing to be agents of depolarization and peace-keeping during this time of tenuous elections. 

Nathan Stock has worked in international peace-building for the last decade and currently works for the Carter Center in domestic depolarization and violence prevention efforts. He will be hosting the first two virtual meetings on May 2nd "Why Are We Polarized?" and May 9th "What You Can Do About It?" from 6-7pm CST. 

Our final training will be held virtually on May 16th 6 pm by Dan Nejefelt who worked for Faith in Public Life for over 15 years. He will be creating a space for community members to action plan how to prevent and respond to identity-based violence and polarization during this election season. 

Each training will build upon the other, but feel free to join for any/all!

All are welcome!
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