DEF Outreach Survey - Black families
As part of our commitment to become an anti-racist organization in action and not just in words, we are looking at our relationships with Black parents/guardians and parents/guardians of children who identify as Black to to learn how DEF can better engage and support your family.  Please take a moment to fill out this survey which will help us understand what matters to you and how we might work together to support kids.
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Your name:
Which CSD schools are your children attending this year?
How long has family lived in Decatur?
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Are you familiar with the work of the Decatur Education Foundation?
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How would you describe DEF? *
How do you see DEF's role as it relates to CSD and Black families?
Please check the boxes that describe any interactions you have had with DEF:
Do you feel that your child/children have benefitted from the work of DEF?
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Would you be willing to participate in any of the following (check all that apply)
In what ways can DEF better support Black families/students within the CSD community?
Please add any comments or thoughts below:
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