Art 4 Neuroscience Camp Interest List
Thank you for your interest in Art 4 Neuroscience's initiatives!

We are a youth-run organization dedicated to helping raise awareness about neuroscience through art, something we all love. On a mission to share our knowledge and passion with younger generations, we have decided to host a STEAM (science, technology, engineering, arts and math) camp for 4th to 7th graders!

The camp will be held for a few hours every Saturday, starting in late September/early October. We plan to have it run from 11am to 3pm (although that may change). Half of that time will be dedicated to a science topic (neuroscience, computer science, etc.) and the other half will focus on art (sketching, watercolor, etc.). 
No prior experience is necessary, and beginners are welcome! We cater to kids of all skill levels, whether just starting out or already experienced.

We will have 6 classes, all for free! We have a commitment to teaching students from all backgrounds. 
We do suggest an optional $250 donation to support our cause if you participate in the camp.

The camp will be held in the Mountain View/Los Altos area, likely at the Los Altos Community Center or Teen Center.

Please fill out this form to indicate interest in our camp! We will share more information and a method to register as soon as we finalize details.
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What is your child's name? *
What is your child's email? (optional)
What grade is your child in/entering? *
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Reach out to us at with any queries.
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