Gear Up - Financially Fit Parent Survey
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What is the highest level of education your student plans to achieve?
Do you have knowledge about college entrance requirements and cost of college ?
Are you aware of Gear Up activities that you and your student can participate  in ?

4. Have you attended any Gear Up student or parent activity?

 Has anyone from your students school ever spoken with you about the availability of financial aid to help you pay for your child’s college education?
 Do you think that your child could afford to attend a public 4-year college using financial aid, scholarships and your family’s resources?
Did you attend and graduate from college?
Are you aware that United Way of Southwest Georgia has partnered with Gear Up to provide financial literacy information for the parents of the Gear Up Cohort ?

Are you interested in Scholarship workshops ?

 Are you interested in a one on one 1 hour  free session with a Financial Advisor ?
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