Sahuarita HS Band Camp Registration 23-24
Band Camp is mandatory for ALL students registered for Band, Percussion, or Creative Movement in 2023-2024 school year. Attendance is crucial for the overall success of our program! Please fill out the questions below.

Monday, July 17 - 8:00am-5:00pm
Tuesday, July 18 - 8:00am-5:00pm
Wednesday, July 19 -  8:00am-5:00pm

FULL BAND CAMP - All members required to attend, including Percussion and Guard
Thursday, July 20 - 8:00am-8:00pm
Friday, July 21 - 8:00am-8:00pm
Monday, July 24 - 8:00am-8:00pm
Tuesday, July 25 - 8:00am-8:00pm
Wednesday, July 26 - 8:00am-4:00pm
Thursday, July 27 - 8:00am-8:00pm
Friday, July 28 - 8:00am-8:00pm (Performance @7:00pm)

PARENT MEETING - All students/parents required to attend
Monday, July 17 - 6:00pm

Please bring...
- sunscreen/hat
- comfortable tennis shoes
- sack lunch from home - dinner provided
- instrument
- pencil
- water bottle/jug - 1/2 gallon size

Contact Info:

Mr. Benjamin Garland
Instrumental Music Director
(520) 625-3502 x1551

Mr. Thomas Cervenka
Assistant Marching Band Director
(520) 625-3502 x1009
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Student Name *
Grade 23-24 School Year *
Instrument *
If you selected Percussion or Color Guard, are you able to attend Percussion/Guard Camp (July 17-19)? (If you are going to miss a portion of camp, please explain in the next question).
If you are in Percussion or Color Guard and have to miss any portion of camp, please list the dates and explain the reason for your absence below. Remember, attendance at camp is mandatory and essential for the success of our season!
Are you able to attend Full Band Camp (July 20-28, includes Percussion and Color Guard)? (If you are going to miss a portion of camp, please explain in the next question). *
If you have to miss any portion of camp, please list the dates and explain the reason for your absence below. Remember, attendance at camp is mandatory and essential for the success of our season! *
Student Phone # *
Parent Phone # *
Parent Email(s)

Please list an email you use often. This is our most frequent form of communication for parent-updates. 

Note: I will use Powerschool for contact information once the school year begins and classes are established, however I do not have universal Powerschool access and may not have access to some parent emails until the school year rolls over and students are loaded into courses. The only way to ensure you will get emails over the summer is to provide an email address here.
Emergency Contact and Phone Number *
Dietary Restrictions / Allergies *
T-shirt Size (All shirt sizes Adult Unisex) *
Will you need to purchase Gloves/Shoes?

Gloves are required for all Woodwind and Brass players, and the gloves are new this year (black, one pair should last a season). All band members need black marching shoes. If you need both, please check both boxes. This response will determine the glove and shoe order. 
If ordering shoes, what size?

Marching shoes run true to size, similar to Converse. This response will determine what size shoes we order. 
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