Please read this document together as student and parent/guardian and then fill out the information at the end, including the signature page and medical information.
This handbook is meant to include MORE information than needed. Some info pertains only to specific classes.
Please feel free to contact Mr. Krall with questions anytime via email:
skrall@kunaschools.orgThis handbook can also be found here: STATEMENT
---The goal of the Kuna High School Band Program is to provide students with a well-balanced music education centered around band performance.
---Students will learn about responsibility, time-management, relationships, musical expression, discipline,
dedication, music theory and gain skills relative to their instrument.
---Students will be able to experience a variety of music and music ensembles.
---This education will help prepare students for postsecondary education opportunities and vocations related to music or otherwise.
Over the years, the structure of the band classes at Kuna High School has been adapted to better fit the needs of all band students, especially as the program has grown from 50 students to 150 students.
Currently, beginning in July and August, all students who are interested in being in any band classes are asked to participate in a few events: a student/parent meeting, preparation for the Kuna Days Parade and the Kuna Days Parade.
After the Kuna Days Parade students get ready to build a halftime/competitive marching band show by spending time at Band Camp. Camp is normally for about 7-9 days following the Kuna Days Parade and leads into the beginning of the school year. This time is very important as the first football game of the year is often very close to the beginning of school.
Students who will be participating in the Kuna Gold Band and Guard (marching band), will be enrolled in one of four classes: Wind Ensemble (an advanced band class), Concert Band, Percussion, or Color Guard. During the fall semester, members of the Kuna Gold Band and Guard will be preparing a competitive show for about 4 football games and 4 competitions that concludes with a final competition at BSU near the end of October.
Once school begins, other jazz band classes will start. Jazz Band students are required to take another band class concurrently. Jazz students prepare for concerts and a performance at D3 Jazz Festival in December.
Every year, students are encouraged to audition to be in the top performing ensembles at KHS. This includes our Wind Ensemble and Jazz I classes. All of these classes are designed and put into place to provide students with the differentiated instruction that they need. Overall, it provides a great benefit for all band students to find a place to excel!
NOTE: Band rehearsals, concerts, festivals, and music performances which take place outside of scheduled class time are defined as extensions of the formal classroom instructional program and, as such, require student participation and attendance. All courses may be taken for multiple credits.