"Whilst welcoming all our Community Members horsescotland stresses that it does not endorse any of the goods or services provided by any of our Community Members"
A full copy of horsescotland’s Memorandum of Articles and Understanding can be found on horsescotland’s website at www.horsescotland.org/policies
Community Membership Annual Membership Costs (1st April – 31st March)
Sole Trader- £50
1-10 Employees- £75
11-50 Employees- £100
51+ Employees- £150
It is horsescotland policy that new members joining between 1st April – 30th September will pay full fee. Members joining between 1st October – 31st March will pay 50% of the fee.
Further information can be found at www.horsescotland.org/policies and you are able to adopt all relevant horsescotland policies
For any further help please contact horsescotland by e-mail info@horsescotland.org or telephone 0800 488 0232
Please notify us that you have completed this form and send the relevant supporting documents to info@horsescotland.org ( documents include a copy of your Insurance, Child Protection and Health & Safety Officers Certificates, constitution, and three years accounts if applicable)
and make a payment here- https://horsescotland.sumupstore.com/products
Or invoices can be issued on request
horsescotland is a Company Limited by Guarantee, Company Number 277875