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GW Data workshop
Very quick questions to check you availability and know a bit about your programing level. Please note that all the answers to this form are strictly confidential and won't be shared to anybody.
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What is your Name?
Your answer
Please share an email adress.
This address can not be used for anything not related to the workshop, I engage myself to keep it private.
Your answer
Are you available for sessions during the workshop?
Monday 15
Tuesday 16
Wednesday 17
Monday 15
Tuesday 16
Wednesday 17
Would you like to have more session? Which day/time?
Your answer
Please indicate your status.
Bachelor student
Master student
PhD student
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What is your knowledge of Python?
Never used.
Beginner: never wrote a script by myself/Used to another language(C++, Fortran)
Simple use: small calculation and loops.
Intermediate use: able to write functions and to call classes.
Master use: Project structure, able to write classes and methods.
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Do you know jupyter notebook?
Yes, I used it a few times
Yes I'm using it regulary
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Do you have a personnal computer?
Yes a very old one (5 + years)
Yes a recent one
No, I don't
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