Conference considerations
This survey is to collect information on the community’s values relating to conference affiliation. Please rank each element, with 1 being the most important an 5 being the least important. 
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Element 1: Average distance to conference members, including out-of-school time for students and the ability of parents and community members to attend games. 
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Element 2: Level of competition within the conference.

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Element 3: Ability to hold multiple games at different levels with the same opponent. For example, the ability to hold more than one middle school game, or multiple games at the high school level including JJV, JV, and V competitions.

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Element 4: Funding spent on traveling to sports, activities, and programs. Funding is impacted by transportation costs and revenue earned through home game attendance. Admissions charged at home events fund travel (staffing bus drivers, fuel, and hotels), hiring officials and general activities expenses without having to fundraise.  

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Element 5: Maintaining tradition by competing against historic rivals.

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Please describe yourself, check all boxes that apply.

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