2020 Bookmobile Services Survey
The Santa Ana Public Library is interested in getting your feedback on a new bookmobile service! We are looking for some input regarding locations and services we provide through our bookmobile. Your answers will help us to provide the best possible services to all the residents of Santa Ana.

Please help us by completing the survey below. All the answers provided are completely confidential.

Select all that apply.
Google にログインすると作業内容を保存できます。詳細
1. What sites should the Bookmobile visit?
2. What services should the Bookmobile offer?
 3. In regard to Library materials, what would you like to check out?
4. What are the best days and times for the Bookmobile to be available?
5. Educational and entertainment programs may be available in the Bookmobile.  Please select the age group(s) that you feel the programs should address:
6. Do you have any other comments or suggestions for  a new bookmobile service?
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