EARTH CRAFT GAP SEMESTER Application (Fall 2024)
Please answer these questions as fully as you can.  This application is for your guides and you to determine if this program is a good fit for you at this time in your life.  Answer as honestly as you can, knowing that you don't have to worry about "saying the *right* thing" or trying to impress us.  We are non-judgmental and open and really encourage you to answer from the heart, as we will likewise listen from the heart.  Be authentic.
Email *
Name *
Preferred Pronouns *
Street Address *
City, State, Zip *
Phone *
Birth Date *
Which describes your current status? *
Why are you seeking to enroll in Earth Craft at this point in your life?  What calls to you about this Gap Semester Program?
What part of this program excites you the most?
What aspect of the program are you most nervous about, or anticipate being particularly challenging for you?
What are the biggest personal obstacles or challenges you are facing in your life at this time? *
What are you passionate about or love to do most?  What are your unique gifts and skills? In what ways have you explored and practiced these qualities that are particular to you?
What is an area where you have room to grow or would like to be more developed? What have you done or intend to do to lean into this growth edge?
What, if anything, concerns you about the world we live in (culturally, environmentally, socially, economically, etc)?  Please describe what your concerns are for our world (and what causes you to worry or feel overwhelmed). Do you have practices that help to alleviate these worries? If so, please share. *
What is your experience with nature and the outdoors? Is there an outdoor activity that you particularly enjoy? What is the place in nature that you love most? Why do you love it so much?
How 'plugged in' are you? Is there any way you are looking to change your relationship with technology? Earth Craft is located in remote, rural Vermont with limited access to cell service and internet. Furthermore, we will be intentionally exploring our relationship to technology, using it sparingly and intentionally within group agreements. How do you think you will handle 8 weeks where access to phones/regular internet/tv will be much reduced?
To cultivate a clear heart-mind and to support the deep individual and group work we will be undertaking, Earth Craft participants are asked to abstain from all Drugs/Alcohol aside from prescribed medication for the length of their stay. How do you feel it will be for you to abide by this policy? Are you able to commit 100% to this policy? How much are drugs and alcohol part of your home life? We hold no judgment around the relationship participants have with these substances in their personal life outside of their stay at Earth Craft.
Please share your education and/or work experience.
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