Trans and Non-Binary Competition Eligibility Policy and Procedures Feedback Form

On the 3rd of August 2023 British Rowing published its Trans and Non-Binary Competition Eligibility Policy and Procedures (2023) to be effective from the 11th September 2023.

The Trans and Non-Binary Competition Eligibility Policy and Procedures (2023) is a revision of the British Rowing it's previously published policy in 2022.

In recognition that this is a fast-developing area in sport, in which new information is being provided all the time, British Rowing are committed to the regular review of this policy and its procedures to ensure that our approach is consistent with latest guidance, information, or studies. Trans and Non-Binary Competition Eligibility Policy and Procedures (2023) will be reviewed again within 12 months.

British Rowing promotes a zero-tolerance approach to all forms of discrimination including transphobia. Transphobia includes discriminatory language or behaviour directed towards anyone who comes under the umbrella term of transgender. Additionally, it may be directed towards a trans person’s friend or supporter, or anyone who may be perceived to be a trans person (whether they are trans or not).

British Rowing and its affiliated clubs and events will ensure that any unacceptable behaviour and language is tackled effectively and appropriately and that sanctions and/or training are implemented to ensure compliance with this policy and the creation of a safe, inclusive, and welcoming environment for trans people.

British Rowing encourages the reporting of all instances of transphobia or discrimination based on an individual’s gender identity by referring to our webpage: Reporting a Concern.

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