Chi Babes Model Call Summer 2023
Thanks for being interested in joining our team this Spring/Summer 2023! This form will help us determine if you will be a great candidate to join our team. Please fill in all questions.
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What's Your Email? *
What's Your Full Name? *
Please Provide your Instagram Handle/ User name *
What's your age? *
What activities/events are you interested in? *
How did You hear about our Auditions? *
Do you have modeling experience? *
Have you worked Promotional Events? *
Have you worked on a music videos? *
How often do you get booked in a month as a model? *
if you already have experience as a model, Can you provide an approximate rate for your services as a model (example: Photoshoots, video shoots, promotional etc.) Say no experience if so. *
Are you currently signed to an agency or currently work with another teams and or Photographers often? (please provide names, websites or instagram handles)   *
Are you comfortable to be in projects that required you being in lingerie or bathing suits? *
How often do you work with photographers? *
After learning how we work, are you open to sign a contract to join our team? *
What do you look forward into joining our team? What would you like to gain from this experience? *
What location do you live by?( town/ neighborhood) *
Do you have reliable transportation? *
Are you currently employed, or in school?how is your schedule like? *
Best of luck!
We will begin reaching out to each participant that meets our criteria as soon as possible .From here we will reach you via Instagram or Email to participate on a zoom meeting. Our zoom meetings will explain more in depth what we are all about, how we work, what we look for in a model, How much do you get payed per event and any additional questions you might have.
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