Stretford Public Hall survey
This survey is created by us - a student group from the University of Manchester to help Stretford Public Hall. The hall would like to offer more activities for older people. This survey will help the hall to plan its future activities.

The survey is anonymous and is shared only with Stretford Public Hall and the lecturer and examiner at The University of Manchester. It will be managed and stored according to the University of Manchester's GDPR policies.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Senior Lecturer Kate Barker (

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1. What is your age bracket? *
2. What is your gender? *
3. What is your postcode? (Optional)
4. Overall, how satisfied are you with the amount of time you spend with other people? *
5. How often do you see friends and family? *
6. How many people do you have to rely on if you feel unwell or need to talk? *
7. What type of events and activities do you attend regularly? (Choose all that apply) *
8. Would you like to take part in more social activities? *
9. (If Yes) What is stopping you from attending more? (Choose all that apply)
10. How often do you do physical activity? (Eg. gym, swim, sports, walks) *
11. Could you specify what these are and where do you attend the activities? (Optional)
12. Which of the following activities would you be interested in attending in the future? (Choose all that apply) *
13. Would you be interested in a service to help with daily errands and jobs at home (eg gardening, handy jobs, shopping) *
14. If yes, how often would you use the service?
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15. Which method of transport do you currently use? (Choose all that apply) *
16. Do you face any of these barriers in your daily use of transport? (Choose all that apply) *
17. Are any of these services missing in your area? (Choose all that apply) *
18. Would you be interested in volunteering for any of these services? (Choose all that apply) *
19. Which of these do you use to communicate and gather information regularly? (Choose all that apply) *
20. If you are interested in helping with further research to discuss how the Hall can further support people over 50, please leave your preferred contact details. (This does not mean you are signing up, but we might contact you with further details)
21. Please provide your email if you would like to receive information on new Stretford Public Hall activities and services.
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