DxChain Testnet 3.0 Test Node Application
We are honored to announce that DxChain Testnet 3.0 is officially launched on July 8, 2019!

Please fill in the form and apply now to be a DxChain Testnet Node. We will contact the qualified applicants after we received the application.

Thank you for your interests in DxChain! Please check our website for more info: https://dxchain.com/
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Your Full Name *
Your DX ID
You can find your DX ID through @DxChainBot (http://t.me/DxChainBot) - "my account".
Which country will your node be deployed in? *
What operating system will you use to run the DxChain Testnet node? *
As a crypto-network miner, you are a(n): *
Do you currently mine any Bitcoin, Ethereum or other Cryptocurrencies? (please select all that apply)
How much storage space do you plan to add to the DxChain Network as a miner? *
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