Adopt a Hen
Thank you for joining our Adopt a Hen project. Our hens are pasture raised meaning they are outdoors 24/7 with unlimited access to sunshine, grass, bugs and fresh forage. They have a stylish egg mobile that they tuck themselves into at night, complete with roosting space and nesting boxes for laying eggs. The egg mobile is moved every couple of days to ensure the chickens are given fresh forage and hygienic living conditions. To ensure a balanced diet, we supplement with a 100% hormone, antibiotic and medication free feed.

To see photos of our pasture raised hens in action, please visit
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Subscription Details
- The adoption fee is a once off payment that provides you an adoption period of 15 October 2020 to 31 January 2021.

- You can select to pay your adoption fee in one payment, or in two parts: one prior to 15 October the second halfway through your adoption term.

- Your subscription covers the food for your hen for the duration of the adoption. The cost is calculated according to the desired quantity of eggs every week.

- Eggs will be delivered to one of our delivery points in Hilton, Howick, or Nottingham Road. If you are unable to collect your eggs for a given week, they will be donated on your behalf.

- Please ensure payment is made into the bank account supplied at the bottom of this form, before 15 October 2020.

- An email will be sent you confirming your subscription on receipt of payment.

Your subscription consists of:
- Your desired quantity of eggs delivered to your chosen delivery point every week for 3 months from 15 October 2020 until 31 January 2021 (2 weeks skipped between Christmas and New Year)

- An adoption certificate will be sent you with the name of your hen
Full Name *
Email Address *
Adoption Duration
(See prices in image above)
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Weekly quantity of eggs  for 14 weeks
(See prices in image above)
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Payment Options *
Adopt and Donate
If you would like to Adopt a Hen and donate the eggs to a good cause, please select the option below. We will deliver the eggs on your behalf. During our first project, the eggs were donated to children in need at a local school.
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Delivery Point *
Other thoughts or comments
Banking Details
Please deposit your subscription fee into the below account before 15 October 2020.
A confirmation email will be sent on receipt of payment.

FNB Branch: 250655
Name: Bramleigh Farm
Acc Number: 62511487325

Please send proof of payment to

Thank you for Adopting a Hen! Your hen is very egg-cited to live a happy, pasture raised life!

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