Total Betty Podcast Listener Survey 
Thanks so much for listening to Total Betty Podcasts on a weekly basis! We would appreciate it if you could please fill out this short survey so we can learn more about you. 
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How did you hear about Total Betty Podcast Network? *
When did you FIRST listen to one of our podcasts?
What key element keeps you listening, following and subscribing to our podcast?
If you are a Patreon member - what made you join? *
If you are a Total Betty Patron (thank you!) is there a perk you would like us to bring back? *
What do you enjoy the most about a Total Betty podcast?
Do you have a favorite Total Betty Podcast?
Is there any topic/show you would love our podcast/network to tackle?
Do you prefer to watch podcasts or enjoy via audio only? *
What activity are you usually doing while listening to our podcast? 

What device are you using to listen to our podcast?
Preferred podcast listening platform? *
Do you listen to multiple Total Betty Podcast Network shows? *
Is there a part during our shows that you fast forward through and if so which part?
Who is your dream guest to appear on a Total Betty show? *
Which is your preferred social media platform? *
Do you have any hobbies?
What do you like to do in your spare time? *
What are you currently obsessed with & tell everyone about? *
If you were given $100 what would you spend it on?
Do you have any questions, suggestions, or feedback about our podcast?
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