Lesson 14: What compost offers, when to apply and amounts needed Quiz
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Which of these statements about soil fertility links to this lesson’s quote, by J Arthur Bower?
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What does J Arthur Bower define as the basic needs of a plant? Give the answer which covers the most factors.
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If you had spread my recommended 5cm (2in) mulch in winter, would you then need to spread more compost in summer, before second plantings?
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Which of the following statements is the most true?
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Can you plant the same crops in the same place for second plantings?
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Why is glomalin important to soil fertility?
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Compost heaps which have not been too hot grow fungi which boost soil fertility when the compost is spread.
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When do new brassica plants grow most healthily?
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Peas grow most strongly in spring.
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In one year of growing, why do you need a second application of compost under cover?
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You can’t spread compost on beds while plants are growing.
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