2022 November Poll
This month's poll is in multiple parts. The first is a fanart poll, the second is a WIP poll for animations. Use the imgur links to view the albums and vote for which ones you like! Note that WIPs are predominately NSFW.

Due to the complexity, I won't be doing the scoring system this time around, like the last few polls have had. Every question allows for multiple choices, so vote for everything you like, but be tactical with it. You can review the results summary, and edit your vote if you want to try and change who's in the lead.

OC references: https://imgur.com/a/QaloC0D
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Pick your favorite characters to vote for them! The top winner AND the bottom loser both will get art!
Pick your favorite animation WIP! (multiple choices allowed) To see the WIPs, go here: https://imgur.com/a/7FdbFtC
free response to suggest themes or ideas and characters for next time
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