Malá Fatra (1.-3.10.2021)
Hey people,
the 3 days advanced hiking trip in Slovakia is coming. We are going to hike in the most attractive part of the mountain range Malá Fatra. You can look for a beautiful rocky environment with chains as holders and many bridges and ladders over rivulets. We have booked a whole private chalet for 16 participants, so a lot of fun and a cozy environment is guaranteed.

The highest point of our hikes will be Velký Rozsutec (1610 MASL), so make sure your travel insurance covers this height. Please note, that this is the most difficult hiking trip which we organize, and it is suitable for experienced hikers. That is why the capacity of the event is quite small. We strongly recommend proper hiking shoes with a solid sole. If you would like to know what to expect, watch the following video:

We will travel by train and a bus. For Friday and Sunday, we plan whole day hiking trips. Saturday will be a relaxing day (walk around the village where we will be accommodated + barbeque + board/card games).

Covid information:
The trip is only for fully vaccinated people because only these people are allowed to enter Slovakia without any quarantine. For more information see:

If we must cancel the event because of the COVID-19 situation and closed borders, we will refund all your money.

1400 CZK with ESNcard or 1500 CZK without ESNcard
Please note that people older than 25 years or people without ISIC card will additionally pay 140 CZK for transportation in trains.

The fee covers:
Transportation from Ostrava, during the event and back to Ostrava
Accommodation (2 nights) in a private chalet
2x breakfast, 2x dinner and snacks at the accommodation

If you want to participate, please REGISTER using the form below and PAY the fee in the ESN office (dormitory, building C, 7th floor) during office hours (Mo, We: 5 – 6 pm).  The payment is possible only in cash. The DEADLINE FOR REGISTRATION AND PAYMENT is Monday 27.9.2020.

Meeting point: 6:00 in the AB lobby of dormitories

What with you: passport (or ID card for EU citizens), COVID vaccination certificate, student card (ISIC), proper hiking shoes, some euros for additional food, face mask for public transport

Capacity: 16 people (Your place is safe only after the registration and the payment)

Fee: 1400 CZK with ESNcard or 1500 CZK without ESNcard

See you,
Your ESN VSB – TU Ostrava team 😊

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