Molalla River Middle School Bond Contact Form
The Bond Language requires accountability. A citizen's Oversight Committee will meet to review the bond project plans and expenditures. The District will not mix bond dollars with other school funds. Bond Funds can not be used for any purpose other than those outlined in the bond language filed at the Clackamas County Elections office. Expenditures from the Bond dollars will be audited annually when all District funds are audited.

The Community Bond Advisory Committee:
  • Reviewed the school facility conditions;
  • Identified highest priority needs for facility improvements;
  • Studied options and cost scenarios; and
  • Hosted several community listening sessions;
  • Used input from the community listening sessions to recommend a revised proposal that sized the replacement middle school at 115,000 square feet for 700 students on the current school property at a savings of almost $20 million from the prior proposal.
  • The Molalla River School Board put a bond measure 3-606 on the May Primary, where voters will decide if the District can sell bonds to pay for the project.
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Please provide me with updates on the: (Check all that apply)
Please Submit your Bond Question(s) here:
Please provide your middle school design process suggestion(s) here. The design we be finalized after the bonds are approved by voters.
Phone Number, if you want to be called
Thank you for your interest in the Molalla River Middle School Bond
If you have questions or would like to request a tour of the school, please contact: Andrea Watson, Communications Director at 503.759.7480
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