Baker Band - Summer Sounds
For current Baker 5th Grade Band Members

June 7th - July 9th

There will be no instruction the week of June 14th.
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All current 5th Grade Band Students have the option of taking group or private lessons during the month of June.  

Students will be scheduled twice per week.

There will be no instruction the week of June 14th.

These sessions are completely free.

These sessions are not required but are encouraged. (Except for switchers)

Students who are switching to a new instrument are required to participate.

Students are required to provide their own transportation.

Sessions will range from 30 minutes to 1 hour.

All safety requirements: masks, social distancing, bell covers, etc will be expected.

When you come to school, bring your (1) instrument, (2) book, (3) warm ups, (4) and a pencil.

What is your first name? *
What is your last name? *
What instrument do you play? *
When is your child best available?  Reminder: Transportation to/from school will not be provided.  Check all that work best for you. *
By checking the box below, you acknowledge that all Covid protocols must be followed when in the building.  (Masks, social distancing, good hygiene, stay home if you are ill, etc.) *
Do you have questions for Mr. Leedy?
Once we receive responses, we will build a schedule.

Students will be scheduled to attend twice per week.

Transportation to school and from school will NOT be provided.
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