Apply for the Family Fun Zone in Downtown Pittsfield as part of First Fridays at Five

The Family Fun Zone at First Fridays at Five will feature free, interactive activities from local non-profit organizations such as a Downtown Pittsfield, Inc.’s Kids’ Paint & Sip, face-painting, arts & crafts, games, and more. You must be a non-profit organization to apply. The activity you offer must be an interactive family activity and must be offered to all free of charge. Be prepared to see hundreds of children and families.

There will be a Family Fun Zone from 5 to 8 pm on May 3, June 7, July 5, August 2, and September 6 outside on Dunham Mall (100 North Street).

Deadline to apply for May 3 is April 19. Spots are limited. The organizers of First Fridays at Five reserve the right to reject any organization or activity that is not a fit.

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Email *
First and Last Name *
Best phone number to reach you *
Name of your business/organization *
What activity would you like to offer in the Family Fun Zone? Please provide a brief description. *
Which months are you interested in participating? *
Please provide any additional information you wish to share here.
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