Pickstop User Survey
Let us know what you think!
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Thank you for helping us make Pickstop better
We really appreciate your time, and look forward to learning from your feedback.


Dan Sellers
What did you think of your Pickstop experience Overall? *
What was your favorite part about your Pickstop experience? *
What was your LEAST favorite part about your Pickstop experience? *
What could we add or change to make you more likely to share Pickstop with your friends? *
What premium Pickstop features would you consider paying a small fee for? *
What esports do you follow? *
Would in-game items be valuable pick'em competition prizes for you? *
What device did you use to access Pickstop? *
OPTIONAL: We may have additional questions for you. If you are ok with us contacting you, please provide your email address:
Thanks so much for your help!!
We'd love to continue the discussion on our Discord server! Come chat with us: https://discord.gg/r8ujzkRYeF
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