Live Games - Domain Venues
Hello DMH'ers!

No one can deny that COVID has taken it's toll on our Domain - participation is at an all-time low. There have also been several decisions made by the Board of Directors that have disheartened some of our members as well. We've had one Venue fold, and have only two currently open.

With the most recent announcement from the NC and BoD, they are opening up live games at the Domain level, should the Domain feel safe with doing so.

This survey is to gauge the interest in returning to live games, and if any changes should be made to our current schedule and lineup.

It can be a bit lengthy, as answering certain selections will open more options.  

We will be awarding 30 General Prestige and 2 VIP for helping us out with this survey.

Thank you all in advance!


Bryan Himebaugh
DC – DMH AZ-010-D
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Do you intend to return to MES for gaming, live or otherwise? *
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