General Donation - Seattle WA Chapter

Thank you for your support and generous donation to APAPA! Asian Pacific Americans are one of the fastest-growing populations in the United States. But we are underrepresented when important decisions are made that affect everyone’s lives.

APAPA has grown into a national organization, empowering our diverse communities, increasing voter engagement, and developing a new generation of AAPI leaders in America.  We collaborate with other diverse organizations, public officials, and community leaders to create awareness and support to fight hate crimes, address systemic racism, advocate for community resources, and provide opportunities for our collective voices to be heard. 

APAPA is a nonpartisan nonprofit with volunteer driven chapters and student interns across the country. Together, with many community partners and supporters, we are building a better world that is diverse, inclusive, and with representation from all voices and communities. Thank you for supporting our mission to advance AANHPI communities through leadership and civic engagement. We are grateful for your support!

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