(To be filled only by Campus Alumni students)
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Name of Alumnus *
Enrollment Number *
Contact Number *
Year of Passing *
Name of the Course completed *
Present Occupation / Designation *
How do you rate the courses that you have learnt in the University? *
Student teacher relationship *
Infrastructure and Lab facilities *
 University Campus *
Faculty *
Canteen Facilities *
Library *
University administration *
Hostel facilities *
Educational Resources *
Internet and Wi-Fi *
Admission procedure *
Overall rating of the Academic programs *
Overall rating of the University *
Are you willing to  participate in the alumni activities for the development of the University ? *
If you are invited to deliver a guest lecture/ a special talk / a motivational session for your juniors, will you be interested? *
What makes you feel proud to be associated with the University as  an Alumni (Mention only 2 points) *
Any other Suggestions / Comments *
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