YVC School Club Microgrant Application
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Since 1987, Youth Volunteer Corps has been engaging youth in team-based service experiences that
build life and work skills while inspiring a lifetime ethic of service. YVC youth volunteers across North
America have planned and executed some inspiring volunteer service projects in the last 35 years, and
the Hampton Roads affiliate has made many contributions to that collective impact over our 12-year
history. We are excited to offer this microgrant opportunity to further the work of YVCHR’s school clubs!
Please review the following guidelines to apply for the 2022-2023 YVC club microgrant. Questions about
eligibility or the submission process? Contact Katie Morgan at kmorgan@yvchr.org.

YVCHR School Club Microgrant
Quality YVC service projects include an interactive icebreaker, high-quality service-learning activities,
meaningful reflection, and of course -- amazing volunteer service that meets a real community need. The
goal of this microgrant is to provide YVC school clubs with the funding needed to plan and implement
projects that benefit the Hampton Roads community.
Only active YVC clubs within the Hampton Roads affiliate are eligible for the YVC club microgrant.
Applicants must be a YVC club member enrolled at that club’s school.
Successful applicants (school clubs) will be awarded up to $250 per project proposal. Clubs may be
awarded only one microgrant each semester.

Submission Deadline
Microgrant applications for 2022-2023 will be accepted on a rolling basis and can be submitted at any
time. Note that proposals will be reviewed on the following dates and decisions will be communicated
shortly thereafter: January 21, February 18, March 18, April 15, May 20. To submit an application, email
this completed form directly to kmorgan@yvchr.org or submit the application responses online using the
link provided at www.yvchr.org/clubmicrogrant.
Application Information
This grant application is designed to support the execution of service projects that address specific needs.
These projects may benefit local community agencies, non-profits, and schools; advocacy efforts are also
encouraged (with the exception of political campaigns).

Review Information
The School Club Microgrant will support youth-created and youth-led volunteer service projects. YVCHR’s
Youth Advisory Board (YAB) will review applications monthly and determine the grantees (with guidance
from executive leadership). We will notify applicants of decisions within one (1) week of each
microgrant deadline.

Grant Information
Grants will not be made to individual youth volunteers. Grant checks will be sent directly to the sponsoring
YVC club, and applications require the signature of the YVC club sponsor. Grantees will be required to submit all receipts to demonstrate that the funds were used appropriately, as well as
complete a one paragraph grant report on the results of the project. (Items to include: number of
volunteers, number of hours served, number of clients reached, the impact of the project on the
community). Please also share photos so that we can highlight this project on social media!

Name of Youth Applicant(s) *
Please designate a maximum of two student leaders to be the main points of contact for the project.
Youth Applicant(s) Contact Information *
By submitting this form, you are giving permission to YVCHR to contact you about this application, if necessary.
School *
I (Club Sponsor) agree that the information in the form is correct, and I give my permission to allow my club members to apply to this grant. *
Have your club sponsor type their name below.
Club Sponsor Phone and Email *
Project Name *
Give your project a fun, creative name!
Agency Partner (If Applicable) *
Where will the volunteer project take place? If the project will occur at your school, whom will this project benefit?
Community Need *
What community need will this project address? Why is this issue important to your club? Please reference at least one outside source that supports your claim (a news story, a quote from an agency partner, a research study, etc.).
Project Description *
Provide as much detail as you can about your club's proposed project. When and where will it take place? What exactly will your club be doing? Is this a new project? If not, what will you do differently this time that will require grant funding? Please write at least three sentences of description.
Service-Learning Activities *
What is the learning objective of your service project? How will you present this objective to your participants? Will the information be formatted as a game or presented in a PowerPoint presentation, or something else? Describe the service-learning lesson or activity that will be used during the project.
Reflection *
Please list three high-quality reflection questions that will prompt discussion after the project. (HINT: Great reflection questions cannot be answered with a simple "yes" or "no" and does not include a "show of hands.")
Budget *
Please include a budget for your club's service project, keeping in mind that there is a maximum of $250. In other words, list out exactly how the grant money will be spent. (Your project should involve more than just purchasing items and donating them.)
I (club member and sponsor) agree to complete a one paragraph grant report on the results of the project and email the paragraph to Katie Morgan. *
Katie Morgan can be reached at kmorgan@yvchr.org. Please include the following items: number of volunteers that worked on the project, number of hours served to complete the project, number of clients reached, and impact of the project on the target community. (Feel free to add more, but this is the minimum.)
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