Publishers RTB integration to OuzAds Ad Exchange
Thank you for your interest in OuzAds Ad Exchange!  We just need to find out a bit more about you so we can assess if you meet the criteria to join our Ad Exchange, please answer the questions below:

Email *
Email *
What is your company name?
Where is your company located?
Are you a current client of OuzAds?
If you are a client, what is your username?

Name, email and skype of main contact in management with DSP
Your billing team email
Name, email and skype of your tech support
Do you have your in-house solution or use 3rd party platform (which one)?
Do you support OpenRTB/XML integration? If yes, which OpenRTB version do you support?
Which auction type do you support?

How do you send win notification?
Do you support API integration?
What is the peak QPS of your traffic?
Where is your data center located?
What ad formats do you support?
Which devices do you have inventory for?
What percentage of direct traffic vs brokered traffic do you have?
What are you top sites by volume (direct inventory)
Your answer

What are your top geos?
What is your average floor price? (eCPM)
What types of ads do you see running most successfully on your traffic?
How much revenue do you expect from your DSP partner per month?
What type of ads do you forbid (ex: tech support, browser lockers, etc...)?
Which verticals do you forbid (ex: binary options, nutra, etc...)?
Do you support iFrame, JS tag as 3rd party creative tags?
If you support Native or POP Ad type, please input the Request/Response Sample here
Your answer

We use  Scrive to sign agreement. Please provide name, title and email of the signatory.
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