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Grade School Book Bundle Request
Please use this form to request Grade School Book Bundles from the Livonia Bennett Civic Center Library. Each Bundle will include 3-5 fiction books. These bundles are intended for kids in grades 1 - 5.
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* Indicates required question
Your answer
Your answer
Library Card Number
Your answer
Phone number
Your answer
How many grade schoolers are in your household?
Your answer
What grade(s) will your child(ren) be entering in the fall?
Grade 1
Grade 2
Grade 3
Grade 4
Grade 5
Please select
up to three
topics you would like. Patrons will receive one bundle at a time.
Baking (will include a cookbook)
Dogs and Wolves
Graphic Novels
Special Request (please answer below)
If you have other current book bundle requests and would like your bundles grouped together for a single pickup, please indicate the other bundles requested below.
Children's Picture Book Bundle
Tween Book Bundle
Teen Book Bundle
Adult Book Bundle
Adult Music CD Bundle
Do you have any available holds you would like added to your bundle pickup appointment?
Yes--I have received notification that my holds are available and would like them added to my bundle pickup
No--I do not have holds or my holds are not available yet
Not sure--please add if my holds have become available for pickup
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