Inclusive Activation Series - Feedback form

The Inclusive Activation Series (IAS) is funded by the Department of Social Services (DSS), therefore, we report bi-annually on the ripple effects of our work in connecting, nurturing, inspiring, and empowering people in community 🌞

DSS is most interested in how the IAS influences people with diverse abilities/disabilities, their caregivers, and their social & community participation. They seek data on the number of people affected and reflections on 'most significant changes.' 

We understand change occurs through mysterious, rippling pathways. It is also complex and occurs over time. What, how, where and when change happens is uncertain, dependent on many factors, non-linear and largely unpredictable. This is the nature of living systems, including individuals and communities 🌻

This anonymous survey lets you share some insights about your participation.

Your responses remain anonymous and will only be shared with the Befriend team and our funding partners. Choose "prefer not to say" or skip questions when needed. See our Co-valuation Participant Information for details. 

This should only take 5-10 mins.

Your help allows us to communicate openly with our funding partners, enable these programs to be viable, and learn a little more about what matters to you 💙

Feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions.

Have a peaceful day,
Valerie Weyland
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First and Last Name *
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I consent to my data being shared for this purpose. *

Your Lived Experience 

We aim to honour and embrace the diversity within our remarkable community. We encourage you to self-identify in a way that resonates with your personal experience, and to share only what you feel comfortable with – you do you! Please rest assured that your answers will be treated with the utmost care and confidentiality, and they will never be linked to your name or identity.

Do you self-identify as a person living with a disability?


Your Connection to Community 

Which of the following describe your current experience of community connection and contribution?

Please check ALL answers that apply.

Which of your community roles directly or indirectly contribute towards enhancing the social inclusion and community participation of people with diverse abilities/disabilities? 

Please check ALL answers that apply and any additional details about your role in the comments below
How did you hear about the Inclusive Activation Series? *

Our funder is interested in learning about the community groups or associations you are connected to that may be influenced by your participation in the Inclusive Activation Series. This might be as a member, a volunteer or an employee. Please share the names of these community groups or associations in the comment box below. 

Providing these names here will reduce the anonymity of your other data. If you prefer, you can email Valerie separately with a list of your connections at

Your Journey of Change 

In the following questions, we recognise that change is a complex and nuanced journey, shaped by a web of interconnected factors and experiences. As you answer these questions, please keep in mind the multifaceted nature of personal growth and transformation.

These statements explore the positive changes you may have experienced during and/or after your journey with the Inclusive Activation Series. Please check the option that best represents your level of agreement with these statements:

My sense of health and well-being has improved

Strongly disagree
Strongly agree

I feel more socially connected to others in my community

Strongly disagree
Strongly agree

I have become more involved in community activities and events

Strongly disagree
Strongly agree

I have developed new skills or knowledge that help me contribute to my community

Strongly disagree
Strongly agree

My awareness of the importance of diversity and  inclusion in community settings has grown

Strongly disagree
Strongly agree

I feel more confident in my ability to make a positive difference in my community

Strongly disagree
Strongly agree

This statement explores how your engagement with or support for people with diverse abilities or disabilities (PWDA) might have changed through your journey with the Inclusive Activation Series. Please select the option that shows your level of agreement with each statement:

My understanding of the needs and experiences of PWDA has improved

Strongly disagree
Strongly agree

My level of engagement with PWDA has increased

Strongly disagree
Strongly agree

My ability to advocate for the needs of PWDA has strengthened

Strongly disagree
Strongly agree

I have supported increased access to  community activities and events for PWDA

Strongly disagree
Strongly agree

I have supported improved social participation for PWDA in my community contexts

Strongly disagree
Strongly agree

I  have been involved in designing or contributing to activities that benefit PWDA

Strongly disagree
Strongly agree

Please estimate, since engaging with the Inclusive Activation Series, how many people with diverse abilities/disabilities you have supported to increase their social and community participation?


 In your own words, please describe the most significant positive change you have experienced through your journey with the Inclusive Activation Series.


 In your own words, please describe the most significant change you have experienced through your Inclusive Activation Series Journey, relating to your engagement with (or support for) people with diverse abilities/disabilities. 


We love to hear what matters to you about your Inclusive Activation Series Journey Is there anything else you want to share with us?

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