BWB03 Trialist Registration: 2019/20 Season
Saturday 22 June - Open Trial 1:
Under 9s (current year 3) times: 9:30  -11:00
Under 10s / U11s (current school year 4 & 5) 11:30 - 13:00
Under 12 / U13 / U14s (current school year 6 / 7 / 8) 14:00 - 15:30

Location BWB03 Fields Landsdown Bath BA1 9BJ –  between the Old Sulians Rugby Club and Lansdown Park and Ride. Grass surface.

Bring: Positive attitude. Training kit including Shin Pads / boots. Drink and a snack.

Trial 2 - Selected players will be notified for trial 2 Tuesday 25 June.

GDPR and your Data Protection. BWB03.
By Registering and Completing the trial form. You agree/consent to: to receive communications from BWB03, coaches, admin team or compliance. 2. Consent to BWB03 retaining your information a) for the duration of the trial and b) for the season ahead.
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BWB03 Not Just About a Ball
Surname *
First name *
School *
Current year at school *
Current Football Club(s)
Preferred position
Why do you want to be a BWB?
Parent email address *
Parent phone number *
Any other information / medical or individual needs or questions.
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