2024-2025 Couch R-1 Needs Assessment
Your feedback is important to us!  Please answer the following questions so that we can begin planning for the 2025-2026 school year.  Thank you!
What methods of communication do you prefer to keep you informed of the latest happenings at your child’s school?  Check all that apply.
Do you have specific suggestions that would help us to increase parental involvement during the school year?  Check all that apply.

Do you have any suggestions for specific professional development (trainings) that would be beneficial to your child’s teacher(s) or other parents?  Check all that apply.

Please read the list of ideas below and choose three (3) you consider most important.

Federal Title monies has to be spent on certain categories.  How would you like to see federal monies spent?  Choose 3 you consider most important.

The school curriculum provides diverse learning opportunities.
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Students have the opportunity for learning in individual, small group, and classroom settings.
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The instructional materials are adequate for our school program.
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Teachers demonstrate the content knowledge and mastery of the methods necessary to challenge and motivate all students to high levels of learning.
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The achievement results and goals are distributed and explained.

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I feel welcome at school events.  
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What are the biggest concerns about your child’s education at Couch R-1 School District? 

What are the “good things” about your child’s education at Couch R-1 School District?

Do you have any suggestions for other programs that you would like to see implemented at Couch R-1 School District?

Do you have any additional input or suggestions for Couch R-1 School District?

Please check the building your child attends.
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