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1. 姓名/ Name *
2. 學號/ Student ID *
3. 是否已完成及繳交健康關懷問卷?/ Have you completed the (COVID-19) Survey Form? *
4. 本所防疫聯絡人是?/ Who is the contact person of IAM for the prevention of (COVID-19) ? *
5. 送貨人員貨物只能送到本所那裡?/ Where can the delivery man deliver our orders? *
6. 若送貨人員須進入所內,須要求填寫甚麼表單?/ If a delivery person must enter our building, what form will he be required to fill out? *
7. 自一、二級疫情流行地區與一、二、三級旅遊疫情建議地區入境者,必須登入本校甚麼網址填寫資料?/ Visitors who had travelled from level 1 to level 3 countries should log on to which NTU website to register their information? *
8. 若你有與確定病例接觸,需進行何種方式隔離?/ If you had been in contact with confirmed patients, which type of quarantine measure should you take? *
9. 需居家檢疫者代表有那幾國旅遊史?/ If a person is required to undergo Home(self) isolation, it means that he/she may have travelled to which country? *
10. 自主健康管理者出入公共場所需如何自主管理?/ What are the self-health management measures that need to be taken when a person is in public places? *
11. 若有感染風險者出症狀,需打那一個電話通知醫護人員來接走送醫(請勿自行就醫)?/ Which phone number should you call if a possible patient has symptoms (please don’t go to the hospital by yourself)? *
12. 目前最快可得到防疫資訊是從何處得知?/ Where can you get the latest information about COVID-19? *
13. 如何確認口罩有配戴正確?/ How to ensure a mask is worn correctly? *
14. 洗手七大步驟為何?/ What are the 7 proper steps to wash hands? *
15. 不宜用手肘去按開關,而需用手按,原因為何?/ Why is it recommended to press the button with your hands but not your elbow? *
16. 洗手時需把水龍頭用肥皂清洗後,待沖洗完後再安心關水,是否了解?/ Do you know why you have to first wash the water tap before closing it? *
17. 酒精可以殺死所有細菌病毒是否正確?/ Alcohol can kill all the virus, is it true? *
18. 次氯酸可以擦在身上各處消毒是否正確?/ Hypochlorous acid solution can be used to disinfect various body parts, is it true? *
19. 紫外線可隨意使用且可以直視是否正確?/ UV lights can be used at any time and you can look directly into it, is it true? *
20. 想咳嗽打噴嚏時,若帶著口罩應如何處理?/ What should you do if you feel like coughing or sneezing while wearing a mask? *
21. 想咳嗽打噴嚏時,若沒戴口罩應如何處理?/ What should you do if you feel like coughing or sneezing while not wearing a mask? *
22. 若需吃東西喝水而需摘下口罩,應如何正確摘除口罩?/ How to correctly take off your mask when you need to eat or drink? *
23. 酒精(70%~75%)消毒是靠揮發過程消毒,請勿直接擦乾,是否了解?/ Do you understand that alcohol (70%~75%) disinfects through the process of volatilization, so you should not wipe it off directly? *
24. 次氯酸消毒需讓其反應30秒,請勿直接擦乾,是否了解?/ Do you understand that hypochlorous acid solution takes 30 seconds to disinfect, so you should not wipe it off directly? *
25. 紫外線消毒需計算總能量,誤信新聞一秒即可完成殺菌,是否了解?/ Do you understand that the disinfection of UV light need to take total energy into consideration, and what the news said that it could disinfect within one second is a myth? *
26. 口罩濾材是具靜電之塑膠材質,溫度不宜超過60度,以免因高溫喪失靜電過濾效果,是否了解?/ Masks are made of electrostatic plastic materials, and their temperature shall be kept below 60°C, otherwise they will lose their filtration efficiency. Do you understand? *
27. 口罩濾材是具靜電之塑膠材質,不宜用酒精等液體消毒,以免喪失靜電,是否了解?/ Made of electrostatic plastic materials, and disinfecting with alcohol will make them lose their filtration efficiency. Do you understand? *
28. 最好的自我保護方法是?/ What is the best way to protect yourself against the virus? *
29. 隨身物品中,最容易藏有感染源的是那些物品(至少三項)?/ Which personal belongings have the most risks of carrying the virus? (please list at least 3 items) *
30. 進出公共場所,最容易碰觸到感染源的是(至少三項)?/ What might be a possible source of the virus when we go into public places? (please list at least 3) *
31. 病毒能進入我們身體的途徑是那三個地方,所以需避免碰觸?/ What are the three major routes for virus to access our body? So, you should minimize using our hands to touch it. *
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