Bernoulli Society New Researcher Award 2023
The Bernoulli Society welcomes applications to the New Researcher Award 2023.

Each awardee shall deliver a talk at a special invited session during the ISI World Statistics Congress Conference to be held in Ottawa, Canada, July 15 – 20, 2023, and will receive a funding up to 1000€ to offset travel and other expenses. Bernoulli News will publish their pictures and a paragraph about their work.

Eligible candidates are active researchers in Mathematical Statistics who obtained the PhD degree on or after March 15th, 2017, and who are regular members of the Bernoulli Society. An extension may be given to those having had disruptions after receiving the PhD, such as parenthood.

Deadline: March 15th, 2022

- Before filling this form, please prepare a 3-page Research Statement (plus references), a 3-page CV and your last diploma (Master/PhD) containing a date
- Please confirm your membership information ahead of time, before preparing the RS and CV
- To become a member:
Bernoulli Society Membership Number *
Please contact if you don't have a valid membership number. Note that 93000 is not a membership number
Name *
First and last name
Gender *
Date of PhD thesis defense or equivalent *
Please use the Comments section if you believe this does not apply to you
Application files *
Any difficulty with this form or a field which you could not answer for some reason
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